Trial Results
Second Nursery trial at Borough Farm by kind permission of Mr David Kennard held on the 17th March
Nursery Driving
Judge Mrs C Worgan 16 ran
1st Mr D Cole Jasper 83
2nd Mr J Nicholls Lucy 82
3rd Mr J Nicholls Lil 80
4th Mr R Edwards Penny 75
5th Mr A Nichalls Sky 73
6th Mr R Edwards Pip 71t
Judge Mr R Hawke 14 ran
1st Mrs C Worgan Mouse 80
2nd Mr D Cole Juno 76
3rd Mr J Nicholls Meg 55t
4th Ms R Doolan Gyp 40t
5th Mrs J Tucker Tess
New Handler
1st Mrs A Beard Mae 35t
St. Breward Nursery held by kind permission of Mr H Nankivell on the 10th March
Nursery Driving
Judge Mrs L Lock 7 ran
1st Mr D Cole Jasper 71t
2nd Mrs J Tucker Pip
Judge Mr W Carter 12 ran
1st Mr P Symons Jim 48
2nd Mrs C Worgan Mouse 41
3rd Mr T Hopper Sam 35
New Handlers
1st Mrs A Beard Mae 45
2nd Ms F Carthew Bess 40
First Borough Farm nursery by kind permission of Mr David Kennard held on the 3rd March
Nursery Cross
Judge Mr J Nicholls
1st Mr D Cole Juno 75
2nd Mrs C Worgan Mouse 54
3rd Mrs S Short Fever
4th Mrs L Knight Jess
New Handler
1st Mrs A Beard Mae 33
Nursery Driving
Judge Mrs F Davis-Russell
1st Mr D Cole Jasper 83
2nd Mr R Skelley Tim 80
3rd Mr J Nicholls Lil 78
4th Mr R Hawke Mirk 73
5th Mr P Davis-Russell Esme 72
6th Mr J Nicholls Lucy 68
Mill Hill Nursery by kind permission of Mrs L Lock and Mr M Cole held on the 4th Feb 2024
Nursery Cross
Judge Mr R Edwards
1st Mrs C Worgan Mouse 67
2nd Mr A Hendy Spike 59
3rd Mrs J Tucker Tess 55
4th Mrs S Short Fever 42olf
5th Mr W Carter 42
New Handler
1st Mrs Alison Beard Mae
2nd Ms F Carter Bess
Nursery Driving
judge Mrs C Worgan
1st Mr W Carter Belle 81
2nd Mr T Rofe Rosie 79
3rd Mr J Nicholls lil 75
4th Mr R Edwards Penny 74
5th Mr R Skelley Tim 72olf
6th Mr T Rofe Gus 72
Ley Farm nursery by kind permission of Mr A Hendy
held on the 21st Jan
Nursery Driving
Judge Mr V Pitts
1st Mr D Cole Jasper 80
2nd Mr R Skelley Tim 76
3rd Mr J Nicholls Lucy 71
4th Mr J Nicholls Lil 65
5th Mr W Carter Belle 63olf
6th Mrs S Greenaway Tan 63
Nursery Mx
Judge Mr B Watson
1st Mr J Nicholls Meg
2nd Mrs S Short Fever
3rd Mr A Hendy Spike
4th Mrs L Lock Ben
5th Mr P Symons Jim
6th Mr D Cole Juno
New Handlers
1st Mrs A Beard Mae
2nd Ms F Carthew Bess
Pennare trial 30 Dec
Nursery driving
Judge Mr T Hopper 20 ran
1st Mr J Watson Floss 89
2nd Mr J Watson Scott 84
3rd Mr J Nicholls Lil 80olf
4th Mr R Edwards Pip 80
5th Mr W Carter Belle 79
6th Mr T Rofe Rosie 78
Nursery Maltese cross
Judge Mrs L Ireland 17 ran
1st Mr T Hopper Sam 59
2nd Mr J Watson Mac 55
3rd Mr D Cole Juno 54
4th Mr J Watson Ben 44t
5th Mrs F Davis-Russell Tod 42
6th Ms T Kemp Roy 35
Newnham trial on the 17th Dec
By Kind permission of Mr Ross Skelley
Nursery Cross
Judge Mr T Rofe
1st Mr J Nicholls Meg
2nd Mr D Cole Juno
3rd Mrs C Worgan Mouse
4th Mr A Hendy Spike
Nursery Driving
Judge Mr F Richards
1st Mr R Skelley Tim 92
2nd Mr D Cole Jasper 75
3rd Mrs S Short Puffin 71
4th Mr J Nicholls Lil 66
5th Mr P Davis - Russell Esme 62
6th Mr W Carter Belle
Molland Nursery At Great Champson farm held on the 10th Dec
by kind permission of Mr & Mrs Dart
Judge Mr D Kennard
Nursery Driving
1st Mr J Nicholls Lucy 78 out of 100
2nd Mr D Cole Jasper 76t
3rd Mrs S Greenaway Tan 75
4th Mr J Watson Floss 70t
5th Mr W Carter Belle 67olf
6th Mr J Watson Scott 67t
Nursery Cross
1st Mr D Cole Juno 56 out 0f 75
2nd Mr J Nicholls Meg 55
3rd Mr J Watson Ben 54t
4th Mr J Watson Mac 47t
5th Mrs S Short Fever 37t
6th Mr A Hendy Spike
New Handlers
1st Mr T Kinsman Glensi 46
2nd Ms R Cooper Ben 34
3rd Mrs A Beard Mae
Newnham trial on the 3rd Dec
By Kind permission of Mr Ross Skelley
Nursery Cross
Judge Mrs L Lock
1st Mr D Cole Juno 63
2nd Mr A Hendy Spike 57
3rd Mrs C Worgan Mouse 52
4th Mr J Nicholls Meg 44t
5th Ms N Gardener Sandy 40
6th Mr P Symons Jim 38
Nursery Driving
Judge Mr P Symons
1st Mr J Nicholls Lucy 69t
2nd Mr J Nicholls lil 62t
3rd Mrs S Short Puffin 59
4th Mr P Davis – Russell Esme 57
5th Mr A Hendy Sid 55
6th Mrs F Davis – Russell Drum 50
Postbridge Nursery held on the 26th Nov
held by kind permission of the Watson Family
Nursery Driving
Judge Mr B Watson
1st Mr J Watson Floss 83
2nd Mr J Watson Scott 79
3rd Mr D Cole Jasper 77
4th Mr J Nicholls Lucy 75
5th Mr T Rofe Rosie 73
6th Mr F Richards Becca 71
Nursery Cross
1st Mr J Watson Mac 58 out of 70
2nd Mr F Richards London 52
3rd Mrs C Worgan Mouse 50
4th Mr R Edwards Pip 47
5th Ms T Kemp Roy 46
6th Mr T Hopper Sam 43
New Handlers
1st Mrs A Beard Ivy 45
2nd Mr C Martin Roxy 37
3rd Mr T Kinsman Glenis 35
Mill Hill Nursery on the 19th Nov
held by kind permission of Mr M Cole and Mrs Lock
Nursery Cross
Judge Mr A Hendy
1st Mr J Watson Mac 57
2nd Mr J Watson Ben 47
3rd Mrs J Tucker Tess 37
4th Mr T Hopper Sam 35
5th Mr P Symons Jim
6th Mr J Nicholls Meg
New Handler
1st Mrs A Blazer Lyra
2nd Mrs A Beard Mac
3rd Ms B Jackson Lel
4th Ms S Harris Gwen
5th Ms F Carthew Bess
Nursery Driving
Judge Mr V Pitts
1st Mr D Cole Jasper 82
2nd Mr R Edwards Penny 81olf
3rd Mr J Watson Floss 81
4th Mr T Rofe Rosie 80
5th Mr J Nicholls Lucy 78
6th Mr P Davis-Russell Esme 72
Iddesliegh Nursery on the 12th Nov
held by kind permission of Mr and Mrs Bassett
Nursery driving
Judge Mrs Carol Worgan 16 ran
1st Mr J Watson Floss 89 out of 100
2nd Mrs S Greenaway Tan 81
3rd Mr J Nicholls Lucy 77
4th Mr W Carter Belle 70
5th Mr A Hendy Sid 64
6th Mr F Richards Becca 55
Maltese cross
Judge Mr W Carter 26 ran
New Handler
1st Ms F Carthew Bess
Nursery Cross
1st Mr A Hendy Spike 54
2nd Mr P Symons Jim 50
3rd Mrs S Short Fever 45
4th Miss S Mills Sandy 44
5th Mrs C Worgan Mouse 43
6th Mr J Watson Don 42
Pennare Trial 5th November
by kind permission of Mr R Quinney
Nursery Cross
Judge Mrs L Ireland 22 ran
1st Mr J Watson Don 65 out of 70
2nd Mrs C Worgan Mouse 60
3rd Mr J Watson Mac 55
4th Mr F Richards Wendy 49
5th Mr P Davis – Russell Joss 48t
6th Mr R Edwards Pip 46
New Handler
1st Mr C Martin Roxy
Nursery Driving
Judge Mr T Hopper 21 ran
1st Mr R Edwards Penny 95
2nd Mr J Nicholls Lucy 94
3rd Mr J Watson Floss 91
4th Mr T Rofe Rosie 90 olf
5th Mr F Richards Becca 90
6th Mr J Watson Scott 89
Below are results from previous trials.
Trethern Nursery 9th April
Judge Mr Jed Watson
Young Handlers
1st Mr Will Carter Jill
New Handlers
1st Miss Tiffany Kemp Roy 45
2nd Mr Antony Sleep Jess 38
3rd Mrs Selena Short Puffin 32
Nursery Cross
1st Mrs Shirley Greenaway Tan 46
2nd Mrs Tracey Hooper Briar 41
3rd Mr Matt carter Lel 38
4th Miss Sophie Mills Beti 32
5th Mrs Julie Tucker Pip 29
6th Mr Will carter Frank 27
Judge Mr Jim Nicholls
1st Mr Jed Watson Ed 85
2nd Mr Jed Watson Bill 84
3rd Mr Will Carter Jen 80
4th Mrs Tracey Hooper Ruby 56
5th Mr Shane Williams Chase 47
6th Mr Frank Richards Becca 33
St.Breward Nursery by kind permission of Mr Henry Nankivell
Judge Mrs Lesley Lock 10 ran
1st Mr Jed Watson Ed 64t
2nd Mr Will Carter Jen 55t
3rd Mr Dave Cole Bonnie 53t olf
4th Mrs Lee Ireland Ned 53t
5th Mr Jed Watson Bill 45
6th Mr Trevor Hopper Meg 44t
Young Handlers
Mr Will Carter Jill 64t
Maltese cross
Judge Mr Trevor Hopper 19 ran
1st Mr Dave Cole Zac 51
2nd Mrs Shirley Greenaway Tan 49
3rd Mr Jed Watson Floss 37
4th Mr Will Carter Frank 36
New Handlers
1st Mrs Selena Short Puffin
2nd Ms Tracy Carter Bru
Nursery held on the 5th March by kind permission of Mr David Kennard
Judge Mr R Hawke
1st Mr Jed Watson Scott 68
2nd Mr Jed Watson Floss 60
3rd Miss Sophie Mills Beti 59
4th Mrs Shirley Greenaway Tan 51
5th Mr Jim Nicholls Cap 50
6th Mrs Julie Tucker Pip 47
New Handlers
1st Mrs Selena Short Puffin 59
2nd Mr Nick Fell Boss 55
3rd Mrs Selena Short Fever 36
Young Handler
Mr Will Carter Tan
Judge Mrs Julie Tucker
1st Mr Jed Watson Ed 82
2nd Mr Tim Nicholas Milo79
3rd Mr Will Carter Jen 78
4th Mr Phillip Davis Russell Jac 60
5th Mr Rob Hawke Mirk 59
Results of the nursery on the 19th Feb held by kind permission of Mr David Kennard
Judge Mrs Fiona Davis Russell
1 Mr Jed Watson Ed 83
2 Mr Phillip Davis Russell jac 81
3 Mr Tim Ñicholas Milo 80
4 Mr Ross Skelley Kay 75
5 Mr Ray Edwards Kelly 70
6 Mr Will Carter Jen 67
Young handler
Mr Will Carter Jill
Judge Mr Victor Pitt
1 Mr Jed Watson Scott 81
2 Mr Jed Watson floss 77
3 Mrs Shirley Greenaway Tan 75
4 Mrs Julie Tucker Pip 52
5 Mr Ray Edwards Spot 50
New handler
1 Mr Nick Fell Boss 81
2 Mrs Lucy Knight Jess 75
3 Mrs Selena Short Fever 71
4 Mrs Selena Short Puffin 54
Mill Hill Nursery 5th Feb By Kind Permission of Mr M Cole and Mrs L Lock
Judge Mr Ross Skelley
1st Mr Jed Watson Floss 68
2nd Mr Jed Watson Scott 53
3rd Mr Dave Cole Zac 50
4th Mr Jim Nicholls Cap 43olf
5th Mr Phillip Davis Russell Esme 43
6th Mr Will Carter Bell 27
New Handler
1st Mrs Selena Short Puffin 32
2nd Mr Nick Fell Boss 31
3rd Ms Tiffany Kemp Roy 27
4th Mrs Selena Short Fever 26
Young Handler
1st Mr Will carter Jill
Judge Mr Peter Symons
1st Mr Jed Watson Bill 70
2nd Mr Jed Watson Ed 68
3rd Mr Ross Skelley Kay 67
4th Mr Jim Nicholls Ross 62
5th Mr Ray Edwards Kelly 61
6th Mr Will Carter Jen 53
Newnham Nursery held on the 22nd Jan by kind permission of the Skelley Family
Driving 12 ran
Judge Mr Peter Symons
1st Mr Ross Skelley Kay 88
2nd Mr Jed Watson Bill 82
3rd Mr Ray Edwards Astra Gayle 74t
4th Mr Phillip Davis Russell Jac 61t
5th Mr Will Carter Jen 59t
6th Mrs Tracey Hooper Ruby 55
Judge Mr Dave Cole 22 ran 1st Mr Ray Edwards Spot
2nd Mrs Shirley Greenaway Tan
3rd Jed Watson Scott
4th Mrs Tracey Hooper Briar
5th Mr Andrew Hendy Sid
6th Mr Nigel Carter Ben
Pennare Trial held on the 8th Jan by kind permission of Mr R Quinney
Judge Mr Jed Watson 19 ran
1st Mrs T Hooper Briar 39
2nd Mrs S Greenaway Tan 37
3rd Miss S Mills Beti 35
4th Mr V Pitts Razor 33
5th Mr M Carter Ley 31
6th Mrs S Greenaway Gem 27
Young Handler
Mr W Carter Jill
New Handler
1st Ms T Kemp Roy 34
2nd Mr M Watson-Smthy Misty 31
Judge Mrs Lesley Lock
10 ran
1st Mr Jed Watson Bill 85
2nd Mr R Skelley Kay 80
3rd Mr R Edwards Astra Gail 79 olf
4th Mr J Watson Ed 79t
5th Mr R Edwards Kelly 74
6th Mr D Cole Bonnie 68
Newnham nursery held on the 18th Dec by kind permission of the Skelley Family
Judge Mrs J Tucker
1st Mr J Watson Bill 81
2nd Mr D Cole Bonnie 70
3rd Mrs L Ireland Ned 66
4th Mr R Skelley Kay 64
5th Mr J Watson Ed 61
6th Mr P Davis – Russell Jac 49
1st Mr J Watson Floss 70
2nd Mrs S Greenaway Tan 51
3rd Mr T Hopper Zac 50
4th Miss S Mills Betti 46
5th Mr J Watson Scott 45
6th Mr W Carter Bell 40
New Handlers
1st Mrs S Short Puffin 35
2nd Ms Tiffany Kemp 27
3rd Mr N Fell Boss 23
Newnham Trial held on the 11th Dec by kind permission of Mr R Skelley
Driving Judge Mr V Pitts
1st Mr D Cole Bonnie 71
2nd Mr R Skelley Kay 53
3rd Mr S Williams Chase 50
4th Mr J Watson Ed 48
5th Mr J Nicholls Nell 43
6th Mr W Carter Jen 39
Maltese cross
Judge Mr J Nicholls
1st Mr J Watson Scott 51t
2nd Miss S Mills Betty 35t
3rd Mr J Watson Floss 33t
4th Mr A Hendy Sid 30t
5th Mr S Williams Lucy 26
New Handlers
1st Ms T Kemp Roy
2nd Mr N Fell Boss
Molland nursey held on the 4th Dec by kind permission of Mr & Mrs Dart
Judge Mr R Hayes
1st R Edwards spot 72
2nd S Mills Betty 69
3rd J Watson Floss 68
4th J Watson Scott 61
5th S Williams Lucy 55
6th W Carter Bell 50
Young handler
W Carter Jill 68
New handler
1st N Fell Boss 55
2nd T Kemp Roy 47
Judge Mr D Kennard
1st J Watson Bill 81
2nd T Nicholas Milo 79
3rd J Watson Ed 77
4th J Nicholls Nell 73
5th W Carter Jen T 72
6th J Nicholls Ross 71
Postbridge nursery held on the 27th Nov by kind permission of the Watson family
1st Mr J Watson Ed 80
2nd Mr J Watson Bill 78
3rd Mr R Skelley Kay 77
4th Mr J Nicholls Nell 76
5th Mrs L Ireland Ned 74
6th Mr P Davis-Russell 69
Young Handler
Mr W Carter Jill
1st Mr J Watson Scott 58
2nd Mr J Watson Floss 58
3rd Mrs S Greenaway Tan 57
4th Mr T Hopper Zac 56
5th Mrs T Hooper Brier 47
6th Mr F Richards London 42
New Handler
1st Mr N Fell Boss 49
2nd Miss T Kemp Roy 41
3rd Mrs S Short 38
4th Mr A Thomas Meg
Postbridge nursery held on the 20th Nov by kind permission of the Watson Family
Maltese Cross
Judge Mr B Watson
1st Mr J Watson Floss 50
2nd Mr J Watson Scott 48
3rd Mrs S Greenaway Tan 46
4th Mr W Carter Jen 41
5th Mrs T Hooper Briar 38
New Handlers
1st Mr N Fell Boss 44
2nd Mr A Thomas Meg 43
3rd Mr A Thomas Tan 42
4th Mrs S Short Puffin 35
1sr Mr J Watson Bill 80
2nd Mr R Skelley Kay73
3rd Mr J Nicholls Nell 69
4th Mr W Carter Jen 68
5th Mrs L Ireland Ned 67olf
6th Mr D Cole Bonnie 67
Exminster Trial by kind permission of Mr V Pitts
Judge Mr A Hendy
1st Mr J Watson Bill
2nd Mr R Skelley Kay
3rd Mr W Carter Jen
4th Mr J Watson Ed
1st Mr J Watson Scott
2nd Miss S Mills Beti
New Handler
1st Mr A Thomas Meg
2nd Mr N Fell Boss
Pennare Nursery by kind permission Mr R Quinney
Maltese Cross
Judge Mr T Hopper 15ran
1st Mr J Watson Scott 66 out of 70
2nd Mr J Watson Floss 63
3rd Mr L Hopper Zac 62
4th Miss S Mills Beti 59
5th Mrs T Hooper Briar 58
6th Miss R Doolan Fraiser 48
New Handler
1st Mr N Fell Boss 49
Young Handler
Mr W Carter Rob 60
Judge Mrs L Lock 12 ran
1st Mr J Watson Ed 91
2nd Mr J Watson Bill 88
3rd Mr D Cole Bonnie 75
4th Mr R Skelley Hay 62
5th Mr W Carter Jen 66
6th Mrs L Ireland Ned 62
Aggerate winners 2021/2022
Maltese cross
Mrs Julie Tucker with Sally
Ladies Maltese cross
Mrs Julie Tucker with Sally
Ms Becky Palmer with Kate
Ladies driving
Ms Becky Palmer with Kate
New Handler
Mrs Tracey Hooper with Ruby
Young Handler
Mr Will Carter with Jill
Trethern trial by kind permission of Mr a& Mrs J Carter
Judge Mr F Richards
1 st Ms Becky Palmer Kate 80 out of 100
2 nd Mrs K Dart Sky 64
3 rd Mr J Nicholls Ross 62
4 th Mr J carter Kip 56
5 th Mrs S Greenaway Moss 48
6 th Mrs L Ireland Ned 46
Young Handlers
1 st Mr W Carter Tan 58
1 st Mr S Williams Chase
2 nd Mr V Pitts Moss
Aggerate winners
Maltese cross
Mrs Julie Tucker with Sally
Ladies Maltese cross
Mrs Julie Tucker with Sally
Ms Becky Palmer with Kate
Ladies driving
Ms Becky Palmer with Kate
New Handler
Mrs Tracey Hooper with Ruby
Young Handler
Mr Will Carter with Jill
Trethern trial by kind permission of Mr and Mrs J Carter
Maltese cross judge Mrs C Worgan
1st Mr J Watson Dan 46
2nd Mrs J Tucker Sally 40olf
3rd Mr W Carter Jen 40
4th Mr J Nicholls Ross 37
5th Mr S Williams Chase
Young Handlers
1st Mr W Carter Tan 72
2nd Mr W Carter Jill 70
3rd Miss M Ridge Mac 68
New Handlers
1st Mrs T Hooper Ruby
Driving Judge Mrs J Tucker
1st Ms R Palmer Kate 67
2nd Mrs J Holdsworth Poppy 64
3rd Mr J Nicholls Tim 58
4th Mr J Watson Will 57
5th Mr W Carter Jess 56
Borough Farm Nursery, by kind permission of Mr David Kennard
Maltese Cross Judge Mrs Kim Dart
1. Tim Nicholas Milo
2. Julie Tucker Sally
3. Will Carter Jen
Young Handlers
1. Will Carter Jill
2. Will Carter Tan
New Handlers
Tracey Hooper Ruby
Driving Judge Mr Victor Pitts
1. Jim Nicholls Tim
2. Wll Carter Jaff
3. Jenny Holdsworth Poppy
4. Fiona Davies-Russell Coalfield Wolf
5. Debbie Survila Mia
Highier Bughill Nursery 30th Jan
Maltese Cross Judge Mr P Symons
Maltese Cross out of 90. 8 ran
1st Jim Nichols Ross 72
2nd Jed Watson Ben 70
3rd Jed Watson Dan 64
4th Julie Tucker Sally 26
New Handler
Sophie Mills Jess 56
Judge Mr D Cole
Driving 9 ran
1st Jed Watson Will 78t
2nd Peter Symons Meg 52
3rd Lee Ireland Ned 46t
4th Debbie Survilla Mia
Higher Bughill Nursery 16th Jan
Driving Judge Mr V Pitts
1st Mr J Watson Will 70t
2nd Mr J Watson Jim 69t
3rd Mrs K Dart Sky 66
4th Mrs J Holdsworth Poppy 65t
5th Mr R Ewdards Tan 63t
6th Mr R Edwards Tim 61t
Young Handler
1st Mr W Carter Jill 71
Mx Judge Mrs L Lock
1st Mr J Watson Dan 45
2nd Mr J Watson Ben 42
3rd Mr R Skelley Arna 27
4th Mr W Carter Jen 24
Pennare Nursery held by kind permission of Mr R Quinney
Judge Miss R Palmer 20 ran
1st Mr J Watson Dan 58
2nd Mrs J Tucker Sal 53
3rd Mr W Carter Jen 36
4th Mr S Williams Chase 33
New Handlers
1st Mrs T Hooper Ruby 54
2nd Miss S Mills Jess 38
Young Handler
1st Mr W Carter Tan 63
2nd Mr W Carter Jill 45
Judge Mrs J Tucker
1st Mr J Watson Jim 69
2nd Mr N Dalgarno Lad 67
3rd Miss R Palmer Kate 53
4th Mr W Carter Jess 40
Greenwell nursery hels by kind permission of Mr & Mrs M Cole and Mrs L Lock
Judge Mr D Cole 22 ran
1 st Mr R Edwards Lass 76 out of 100
2 nd Mr W Carter Jess 64 olf
3 rd Mr P Davis-Russell Wolf 64
4 th Mrs D Survilla Mia 61olf
5 th Miss R Palmer Kate 61
6 th Mr H Mills Moss 59
Young Handlers
1 st Mr W Carter Jill 86
2 nd Mr W Carter Tan 67
3 rd Miss M Ridge Mac 55
Maltese cross 19 ran out of 70
1 st Mr R Edwards Venn Lynx 51 olf
2 nd Mrs J Tucker Sal 51
3 rd Mr J Nicholls Ross 37
4 th Mr F Richards Tonto 26
New Handlers
1 st Miss S Mills Jess 35
2 nd Miss R Dolan mist 34
3 rd Miss R Doolan Mini 33
4 th Mrs T Hooper Ruby 31
Molland trial held by kind permission of Mr & Mrs Dart
Judge Mrs C Worgan
MX 13 ran
1st Mr R Edwards Venn Lynx 58
2nd Mrs J Tucker Sally. 49
3rd Mr J Watson Sarn Faen Dan 48
4th Mr T Nicholas Mylar 47
5th Mr J Mills Venn Troy 40
6th Mr J Watson Ben 37
New Handler 5 ran
1st Mrs T Hooper Ruby
2nd Ms R Doolan Minnie
Judge Mr C Roe
Driving 20 ran
1st Mr J Watson Gore Hill Will 94
2nd Miss B Palmer Kate 78
3rd Mr J Watson Jim 77olf
4th Mrs K Dart Sky 77
5th Mr D Kennard Minnie 73
6th Mrs F Davies-Russell Cauldfield Wolf 67t
Exminster trial held by kind permission of Mr V Pitts
1st Ray Edwards Las 72
2nd Henry Mills Moss 64 olf
3rd Ray Edwards Presselli Tim 64
4th Jason Cox Groesfaen Lace (Ace) 62
5th Fiona Davis-Russel Kit 58
6th Jenny Holdsworth Parksfarm Poppy 49 olf
Young Handlers
1st Will Carter Tan 56
2nd Will Carter Jill 50
3rd Mary Mac 35
Maltese Cross
1st Will Carter Jen 56
2nd Julie Tucker Sally 55
3rd Shane Williams Windcutter Chase 43
4th Ross Shelley Arna 33
New Handler
1st Ed Whiteman Kim 58
2nd Sophie Mills Jess 50
3rd Tracey Hooper Ruby 46
4th Robyn Doolan Mini 38
5th Robyn Doolan Mist 34
Pennare Trial held by kind permission of Mr R Quinney on the 7th Nov
Maltese cross
Judge Mr T Hopper 16ran
New Handlers
1 st Ms R Doolan Mini 43 out of 70
2 nd Ms R Doolan Mist 37
3 rd Mr E Whiteman Kim 32
4 th Mrs T Hooper Ruby
Young Handler
1 st Mr W Carter Tan 51
2 nd Mr W Carter Jill 49
3 rd Miss R Heard Annie 35
Nursery Maltese Cross
1 st Mr J Watson Jim 62
2 nd Mrs J Tucker Sally 55
3 rd Mr J Watson Sarnfaen Dan 52
Nursery Driving 14 ran
1 st Mr J Carter Nip 89
2 nd Mr Jed Watson Gorehill Will 86
3 rd Ms Becci Palmer Kate 80
4 th Mr Daniel Heard Cooley Kelly 79
5 th Mr Norman Dalgarno Lad 77
6 th Mrs Jenny Holdsworth Parksfarm Poppy 70
Results from the 2020/2021 season
Newnham Trial by kind permission of the Skelley family
Maltese Cross
judge Mr D Cole 9 ran
1st Mr J Watson Cap 58
2nd Mr J Watson Will 54
3rd Mrs D Survilla Windcutter Mia
4th Mr C Roe Sal
5th Mr P Symons Meg
Judge Mr T Hopper 16 ran
1st Mr R Skelley Groesfan Hope 89 out of 100
2nd Mr J Watson Bill 86
3rd Mr D Cole Todd 80
4th Mr R Hawke Flame 71
5th Mr J Watson Wren 70
6th Mrs F Davis-Russell Wolf 69
Pennare Trial held on the 25th Oct by kind permission of Mr R Quinney
judge Mr H Ross 19 ran
1st Mr J Watson Wren 82olf
2nd Mr R Skelley Groesfan Hope 82
3rd Mr M Hopper Pip 81
4th Mr J Watson Bill 79olf
5th Mr R Skelley Sam 79
6th Mr D Cole Tod 68
Maltese cross
Judge Mr F Richards and Miss N Gardiner 6 ran
1st Mrs J Holdsworth Parksfarm Holly 61
2nd Mr J Watson Cap 58
3ed Mr J Watson Will 56
4th Mrs S Greenaway Moss 42
New Handlers 3 ran
1st Mr S Williams Lucy 38
2nd Mr B George Tess 37
Sanduck trial on the 18th Oct, by kind permission of Mr D Cole and The Mackay family
Maltese cross
Judge Mr T Hopper 6 ran
1st Mr J Watson Cap 64 out of 70
2nd Mr R Hawke Flax 60
3rd Mr J Nicholls Kate 44
4th Mrs S Greenaway Sanduck Moss 43
5th Mrs J Holdsworth Parksfarm Holly 41
6th Mrs D Survila Windcutter Mia 33
New Handler
1st Mr S Williams Lucy 32
Judge Mr V Pitts 17 ran
1st Mr T Nicholas Todd 83
2nd Mr D Cole Tod 81
3rd Miss N Gardiner Becca 80
4th Mr R Skelley Groesfan Hope 78olf
5th Mr J Watson Wren 78
6th Mr F Richards Zola 72
Cup Winners 2019/2020
Driving Mr J Watson with Garry
Ladies Driving Mrs Shirley Greenaway Dusk
Maltese Cross Mr Jed Watson Bill
Ladies Maltese cross Mrs Shirley Greenaway Layla
New Handler Mr J Cox Ruby
Young Handler Mr W Carter Jill
Points tally 2019/2020
Jed Watson Gary 59
Frank Richards Bee 46
Jed Watson Ted 39
Jed Watson Sue 39
Ross Skelley Groesfaen Mirk 30
Ray Edwards Flo 11
David Kennard Glen 10
Shirley Greenaway Dusk 10
Peter Symons Lady 5
Trevor Hopper Pip 5
Ray Edwards Lad 2
Leslay Lock Mac 1
Norman Dalgarno Lad 1
Debbie Survil Sanduck jock 1
Lesley Lock Bear 1
Maltese Cross
Jed Watson Bill 54
Jed Watson Seth 52
Ross Skelley Groesfaen Hope 49
Jed Watson Preciiin Bill 37
Shirley Greenaway Layla 16
Trevor Hopper Pip 7
Jed Watson Penyborough Gin 6
Natalie Gardineer Roo 5
Julie Tucker Glen 5
Ross Skelley Groesfaen Sam 5
Peter Symons Meg 4
Jed Watson Jock 4
Shirley Greenaway Sanduck Lace 3
John Carter Lad 3
Carol Worgan Sanduck Tarn 3
Nick Atherington Meg 2
Jim Nicholls Lace 2
Penny Roe Echo 1
Jim Nicholls Meg 1
New Handler
Jason Cox Ruby 42
David Mayo Pip 33
Rachel Cannon Jess 14
Jason Cox Ace 11
Bethany Symons Lady 4
Young Handler
Will Carter Jill 36
Will Carter Tan 6
Josh Kendal Roy 5
Results from the trial held on the 15 th March at Plymton by kind permission of the Skelley Family
Judge Mr J Watson (Postbridge) 5 ran
1 st Mr R Skelley (Shaugh Prior) Groesfaen Mirk 59t
2 nd Mr T Hopper (Veryan) Pip 46
Judge Mr T Hopper 10 ran
1 st Mr J Watson Bill 72
2 nd Mr R Skelley Groesfean Hope 69
3 rd Mr J Watson Precilli Bill 66
4 th Mrs J Tucker (Brentor) Glen 38t
5 th Mrs S Greenaway (Manaton) Layla 33t
New Handler
Mr J Cox (Shaugh Prior) Ace 35
Nursery Trial held on Sunday, 1st March, 2020 at Borough Farm, Woolacombe by kind permission of Mr.
and Mrs. David Kennard.
Maltese Cross – 10 ran
Judge: Mr. Chris Roe,
1. Mr Jed Wason, Bill 77
2. Mr Ross Skelley Groesfaen Sam 71
3. Mr Jed Watson Jock 70
4. Mr Jed Watson Precelli Bill 66
5. Mr Jim Nicholls Lace 48T
6. Mr Jim Nicholls Meg 46
New Handler
Jason Cox, Shaugh Prior Ruby 38T
Driving – 8 ran
Judge: Mr. Jim Nichollls
1. Mr Jed Watson Gary 88
2. Mr Ross Skelley Grosfaen Mirk 87
3. Mr Jed Watson Sue 81
4. Mr Jed Watson Ted 73
5. Mr Frank Richards Lloyd Bee 60T
Result of Nursery Trial held on Sunday, 2nd February, 2020 at Greenwell Farm, Yelverton by kind
permission of the Cole family.
Maltese Cross – 11 ran
Judge: Miss Jane Summers
1. Mr Jed Watson, Bill 76
2. Mr Jed Watson Seth 74
3. Mr Jed Watson Precelli Bill 69
4. Mr Ross Skelley, Groesfaen Hope 63T OLF
5. Mrs Carol Worgan Sanduck Tarn 63T
6. Mr Peter Symonds Meg 62T
New Handlers
1st Mr Jason Cox Ruby 48T
2nd Mr Jason Cox Ace 30
Driving – 16 ran
Judge: Mrs. Julie Tucker
1. Mr Jed Watson Ted 76
2. Mr Jed Watson Sue 73
3. Mr Ray Edwards Flo 72
4. Mr Frank Richards, Llody Bee 56
5. Mrs Shirley Greenaway, Dusk 54
6. Peter Symonds Lady 45 OLF
Trial results from Greenwell Farm by kind permission of the Cole family
Judge Mr B Watson
Maltese Cross
1st Mr R Skelley Groesfaen Hope 61
2 nd Mr J Watson Bill 55t
3rd Mr J Watson Seth 54t
4 th Mr J Watson Precelli Bill 46
5th Miss N Gardiner Roo 41
6th Mrs C Worgan Sanduck Tarn 36t
New Handler
1 st Mr J Cox Ace
1 st Mr J Watson Gary 73
2 nd Mr J Watson Sue 72
3rd Mr R Edwards Flo 69t
4th Mr R Skelley Groesfaen Mirk 67
5th Mr J Watson Ted 61
6th Mr F Richards Lloyd Bee 60t
The trial held on the 5th January was held by kind permission of the Skelley family
Judge Mrs L Lock
1 st Mr Jed Watson Seth 71
2 nd Mr Jed Watson Bill 69
3 rd Mr Ross Skelley Groesfean Hope 68
4 th Mrs Shirley Greenaway layla 53
5 th Mrs Julie Tucker Glen 28t olf
6 th Mrs Penny Roe Echo 28t
Young handler
1st Mr Will Carter Tan 41t
New handler
1st Jason Cox Ruby 57
2nd David Mayo Pip 36t
Driving 12 ran
Judge Mr D Cole
1 st Mr Jed Watson Sue 81
2 nd Mr Jed Watson Gary 73
3 rd Mr Ross Skelley Groesfean Mirk 68
4 th Mr Frank Richards Bee 59
5 th Mrs Shirley Greenaway Dusk 56
6 th Mrs Lesley Lock Mac 40
The nursery on the 29 th December was held by kind permission of Mrs B Bennett and family
Judge Mr R Hawke 13 ran
1 st Mr J Watson Ted 86
2 nd Mr J Watson Garry 77
3 rd Mr J Watson Sue 73
4 th Mr F Richards Bee 70
5 th Mr N Dalgarno Lad 62
6 th Mrs L Lock Mac 56
Young Handlers 2 ran
1st Mr W Carter Jill 65
Maltese Cross 12 ran
1 st Mr J Watson Bill 71
2 nd Mr J Watson Seth 66 olf
3 rd Mrs S Greenaway Layla 66
4 th Mr R Skelley Groesfean Hope 65
5 th Mr M Hopper Pip 31
New Handler
1st Mr J Cox Ruby 43
2nd Mr J Kendal Roy 42
The trial held on the 22 nd December was held by kind permission of the Skelley family
Maltese cross 14 ran
Judge Mrs L Lock
1 st Mr J Watson Seth 63 out of 70
2 nd Mr R Skelley Groesfaen Hope 61
3 rd Mr J Watson Bill 59
4 th Mr P Symons Meg40
5 th Miss N Gardiner Roo 39
6 th Mr M Hopper Pip
New handlers 2 ran
1 st Mr J Cox Ruby 55
2 nd Mr D Mayo Pip
Young Handlers 2 ran
1 st Mr W Carter Tan 56
2 nd Mr W Carter Jill 53
Driving 11 ran
Judge Mr T Hopper
1 st Mr J Watson Gary 92 out of 100
2 nd Mr J Watson Sue 90
3 rd Mr F Richards Bee 80
4 th Mr J Watson Ted 73
5 th Mr R Skelley Groesfaen Mirk 62
6 th Mrs L Lock Bear 52
Sunday 15th December at Plymton by kind permission of the Skelley Family
Judge Mrs L Lock 13 ran
1 st Mr J Watson Seth 39
2 nd Mr J Watson Bill 37
New Handlers 3 ran
1 st Mr J Cox Ruby 47
2 nd Mr D Mayo Pip 34
3 rd Miss R Cannon Jess
Judge Mr T Hopper 11 ran
1 st Mr R Skelley Groesfaen Mirk 88
2 nd Mr F Richards Bee 72
3 rd Mr J Watson Gary 71
4 th Mrs S Greenaway Dusk 65
5 th Mr P Symons Lady 63
6 th Mr J Watson Ted 56
Sunday 8th December at Sanduck Cross by kind permission of the Mackay family
Driving 17 ran
Judge Mrs J Tucker
1 st Mr F Richards Bee 88
2 nd Mr J Watson Gary 85
3 rd Mr D Kennard Glen 77
4 th Mr J Watson Ted 58
5 th Mr J Watson Sue
6 th Mr R Skelley Groesfaen Mirk 54
Young Handler 2 ran
1 st Mr W Carter Jill 47
Maltese cross
Judge Mr D Cole
1 st Mr R Skelley Groesfaen Hope 49
2 nd Mr J Watson Seth 43
3 rd Mr J Watson Bill 38
4 th Mrs S Greenaway Layla 35
New Handler 3 ran
1 st Mr J Cox Ruby 30
Sunday, 1st Dectember, 2019 at Great Champson Farm, South Molten by kind permission of the Dart
Maltese Cross – 19 ran – judged out of 70
Judge: Mr. David Kennard, Woolacombe
1. Jed Watson, Postbridge Seth 57 OLF
2. Ross Skelley, Shaugh Prior Groesfaen Hope 57
3. Jed Watson Precilli Bill 51 OLF
4. Jed Watson Bill 51
5. Shirley Greenaway, Manaton Layla 51
6. Natalie Gardener, Bere Alston Roo 45
New Handler
Jason ?, Shaugh Prior Ruby 51
Young Handler
Will Carter, Delabole Jill 50
Driving – 11 ran
Judge: Mr. Roderick Hayes, Witheridge
1. David Kennard, Woolacombe Glen 92 OLF
2. Frank Richards, Callington Bee 92
3. Jed Watson Garry 91
4. Jed Watson Ted 86
5. Ross Skelley Groesfaen Mirk 85
6. Shirley Greenaway Dusk 72
Trial by kind permission of Mr & Mrs K Watson on the 23rd Nov
Judge Mrs C Worgan
Driving 15 ran
1 st Mr J Watson Garry 81
2 nd Mr F Richards Bee 78
3 rd Mr J Watson Ted 69
4 th Mr R Edwards Flo 61
5 th Mr R Edwards Lad 59
6 th Mr J Watson Sue 54
Young Handlers
2 ran
1 st Mr W Carter Jill 62
Judge Mrs L Lock
Maltese cross 13 ran
1 st Mr R Skelley Groesfaen Hope 58 out of 70
2 nd Mr J Watson Bill 54
3 rd Mr J Watson Precilli Bill 53olf
4 th Mr J Carter Lad 53
5 th Mr N Atherington Meg 50
6 th Mr T Hopper Pip 44
New Handlers
1 st Mr D Mayo Pip 42
2 nd Mrs R Cannon Jess 34
Trial by kind permission of Mr & Mrs K Watson on the 17th Nov
Judge Mr P Symons
Maltese cross 10 ran
1 st Mr J Watson Seth 65 out of 70
2 nd Mr J Watson Bill 59
3 rd Mr J Watson Precilli Bill 57
4 th Mrs S Greenaway Sanduck Lace 53
5 th Mr R Skelley Groesfaen Hope 50
6 th Mr T Hopper Pip 46
New Handlers 4 ran
1 st Mr D Mayo Pip 54
2 nd Miss R Cannon Jess 42
3 rd Miss N Gardernier Roo 37
4 th Miss B Symons Lady 23
Judge Mr C Roe
1 st Mr J Watson Garry 81
2 nd Mr J Watson Ted 78
3 rd Mr F Richards Bee 77
4 th Mr J Watson Sue 70
5 th Mr P Symons Lady 65
6 th Mrs D Survila Sanduck Jock 62
Trial by kind permission of Mr Victor Pitts on the 10th Nov
Judge Mrs J Harper
Driving 12 ran
1 st Mr J Watson Gary 85
2 nd Mr F Richards Bee 77
3 rd Mr J Watson Sue 61
4 th Mr J Watson Ted 59
5 th Mrs S Greenaway Dusk 54
6 th Mr R Skelley Groesfaen Mirk 53
Mx 12 ran
1 st Mr J Watson Penyborough Gin 57
2 nd Mr J Watson Precilli Bill 55
3 rd Mr R Skelley Groesfaen Hope 55
4 th Mr J Watson Seth 49
5 th Mrs S Greenaway Layla 34
New Handler
David with Pip 38
Aggregate Winners 2018 – 2019
Nursery Driving winner Mr J Watson with Bob
Ladies Driving Miss R Palmer with Nell
Maltese cross winner Mr J Watson with Ken
Ladies Maltese cross Mrs J Harper Dee
Young Handler Mr W Carter with Joe
New Handler Miss C Crosse with Mint
2018/2019 Results
Sunday 14th April at the Poldark
Judge Mr J Nicholls
Maltese cross 6 ran
1 st Mr J Watson Ted 55
Young Handlers 3 rans
1 st Miss M Ridge Mac 62
2 nd Mr W Carter Joe 57
Driving 18 ran
1 st Mr R Watson Mac 80
2 nd Mr J Watson Bob 75
3 rd Mr J Watson Ben 74
4 th Mr F Richards Lola 69
5 th Mr J Watson Ken 57
6 th Mrs C Worgan Black Jack 56
Sunday 7th April at the Poldark
Judge Mr J Nicholls
Mx 8 ran
1st Mr J Watson Ted 78
2nd Mr J Watson Ken 71
3rd Mr J Watson Garry 69
4th Mr R Hayes Terry 56
5th Mr F Richards Bee 54
Young Hnadlers 3 ran
1st Miss M Ridge Mac 45
2nd Mr W Carter Tan 43
Driving 11 ran
1sr Mr F Richards Lola 75
2nd Mr J Watson Bob 68
3rd Mr R Hayes Fred 67 olf
4th Mr J Watson Ben 67olf
5th Mrs C Worgan Black Jack 67
6th Miss R Palmer Nell 57
Sunday 31st March at the Poldark
Judge Mr J Nicholls
Driving 11 ran
1st Mr F Richards Lola 79 olf
2nd Mr J Watson Ben 79
3rd Mrs J Harper Dee 76
4th Mr J Watson Bob 70
5th Mr I Mackay Brimley Jess 60
6th Miss R Palmer Nell 56
Young Handlers 1 ran
1st Miss M Ridge Mac
Maltese cross ran 8
1st Mr J Watson Ted 59 olf
2nd Mr J Watson Ken 59
3rd Mr J Watson Gary 45
4th Mr R Skelly Mirk 35
5th Mr F Richards Bee 32
Sunday 24th March at the Poldark
Judge Mr J Nicholls (Buckland Brewer)
Mx 13 ran
1 st Mr J Watson Garry 70 out of 90
2 nd Mr J Watson Ted 68
3 rd Mr J Watson Ken 67
4 th Mr R Hayes Fred 64
5 th Mr R Skelly Mirk 59
6 th Mrs J Harper Dee 53
Young Handler
3 ran
1 st Mr W Carter Joe 54
2 nd Mr W Carter Tan 44
3 rd Miss M Ridge Mac 36
Driving 11 ran
1 st Mr J Watson Bob 73
2 nd Mr J Watson Ben 66
3 rd Mr F Richards Lola 61
4 th Miss R Palmer Nell 59
5 th Mr I Mackay Brimley Snip 48 olf
6 th Miss N Gardner Becca 48
Saturday 16th March at the Poldark Delabole
Judge Mr T Hopper
Maltese cross 10 ran
1 st Mr J Watson Ken 77 out of 90
2 nd Mr F Richards Bee 73
3 rd Mrs C Worgan Black Jack 64
4 th Mr J Watson Ted 62
5 th Mr J Watson Garry 60
6 th Mr R Skelly (Mirk 51
Young Handlers 2 ran
1 st Mr W Carter Joe 58
Driving 8 ran
1 st Mr J Watson Ben 71 olf
2 nd Mr F Richards Lola 71
3 rd Mr W Carter Jill 58
4 th Mr J Watson Bob 55
5 th Miss R Palmer Nell 54
6 th Mr D Cole Tan 52
Sunday 10th March at Lustleigh
Driving 14 ran
Judge Mrs S Greenaway
1st Mr R Watson Mac 88
2 nd Mr J Watson Bob 87 off
3rd Mr J Watson Ben 87
4th Mr D Cole Tan 84
5th Mr F Richards Lola 71
6th Mr I Mackay Sanduck Snip 67
Judge Miss R Palmer
MX 9 ran
1st Mr J Watson Roy 91
2nd Mr J Watson Ken 88
3rd Mr J Watson Ted 80
4th Mr F Richards Bea 74
5th Mr R Skelly Mirk 72
6 th Mrs J Harper Dee 60t
Sunday 17th Feb at Sanduck Farm
Judge Mrs J Tucker 13 ran
1st Mr J Watson Roy 67
2nd Mr J Watson Ken 63
3rd Mr J Watson Ted 43
Young Handlers 3 ran
1st Miss M Ridge Mac 55
2nd Mr W Carter Tan 39
3rd Mr W Carter Joe 20
Driving 12 ran
1st Mr D Cole Tan 86
2nd Mr B Watson Mac 85
3rd Mr J Watson Bob 78
4th Mr J Watson Ben 76
5th Mr F Richards Lola 73 OLF
6th Mr I Mackay Brimley Jess 73
12 ran
Sunday 10th Feb at Borough Farm
Judge Mr J Nicholls
1st Mr F Richards Lola 85 out of 100
2nd Mr D Cole Tan 82
3rd Mr T Nicholas Kyra 74
4th Mr J Watson Ben 72
5th Mr J Watson Bob 58
6th Mr I Mackay Brimley Jess 43
Maltese Cross
1st Mr R Skelly Mirk 72
2nd Mr J Watson Ken 69
3rd Mr J Watson Roy 56
4th Mr J Watson Ted 55
5th Mr D Kennard Mirk 42
6th Mrs S Greenaway Dusk
Sunday 20th Jan at Pengelly Farm
Maltese cross
Judge Miss B Palmer 11 ran
1st Mr J Watson Roy 70
2nd Mr J Watson 69 olf
3rd Mr J Watson 69
4th Mr F Richards Bee 54
5th Mrs J Harper Dee 45
6th Mr N Dalgarno Lad 40
Young Handlers
1st Mr W Carter Joe 45
2nd Mr W Carter Tan 41
Judge Mr T Hopper 12 ran
1st Mr D Cole Tan 92
2nd Mr J Watson Bob 88 olf
3rd Mr F Richards Lola 88
4th Mr J Watson Ben 81
5th Mr I Mackay Brimley Snip 77
6th Mrs L Lock Mac 74
Sunday 6th Jan at Sanduck Farm
Judge Mrs S Greenaway 19 ran
1st Mr J Watson Bob 93
2nd Mr D Cole Tan 89
3rd Mr J Watson Ben 85
4th Mr F Richards Lola 81
5th Mr R Hawke Chip 79
6th Mr I Mackay Brimley Snip 75
Young Handlers
1st Mr W Carter Tan 60
2nd Mr W Carter Joe 54
New Handler
1st Clover Crosse Mint 61
Judge Mr C Roe
1st Mr J Watson Ted 58
2nd Mr J Watson Roy 50
3rd Mrs J Harper Dee 49
4th Mr R Skelly Mirk 48
5th Mr J Watson Ken 47
6th Miss R Slattery Anya 43
Sunday 30th Dec at Pengelly
Judge Miss R Palmer 10 ran
1 st Mr J Watson Ken 59 out of 70
2 nd Mr J Watson Roy 52
3 rd Mr J Watson Ted 46
4 th Mr T Hopper Cap 39
5th Mr F Richards Bee 38
6 th Mr N Dalgarno Meg
Young Handlers 2 ran
1 st Mr W Carter Joe 58
2 nd Mr W Carter Tan 57
Judge Mr T Hopper 14 ran
1 st Mr J Watson Bob 90 out of 100
2 nd Mr J Watson Ben 86
3 rd Mr R Hawke Chip 76
4 th Mr W Carter Jill 75
5 th Mr D Cole Tan 65
6 th Miss R Palmer Nell 57
Sunday 16th December at Mill Hill
Judge Mrs J Tucker 16 ran
1st Mr D Cole Tan 73 out of 100
2nd Mr J Watson Ben 67
3rd Mr F Richards Lola 66
4th Mr J Watson Bob 60
5th Mr B Watson Mac 53
6th Miss R Palmer Nell 52
Young Handler
1st Miss M Ridge Max 46
New Handler
1st Miss C Crosse Mint 64
Maltese cross 9 ran
1st Mr R Skelly Mirk 58
2nd Mr J Watson Roy 54
3rd Mr J Watson Ken 44
4th Mr J Watson Jed 37
5th Mrs J Harper Dee 35
6th Mr J Heywood Butch 21
Sunday 9th December at South Molton
Maltese Cross
Judge Mr R Hayes
1st Mr T Nicholas Kyra 60
2nd Mr R Skelly Mirk 52
3rd Mr J Watson Ken 45
4th Mrs C Worgan Black Jack 43
5th Mr J Heywood Butch 42
6th Mrs J Harper Dee 36
Young Handlers
1st Mr W Carter Joe 56
2nd Miss M Ridge Mac 45
Judge Mr J Nicholls 13 ran
1st Mr F Richards Hooner 84 out of 100
2nd Mr J Watson Bob 83
3rd Mr R Hawke Chip 80
4th Mt J Watson Ben 77olf
5th Mr F Richards Lola 77
6th Miss R Palmer Nell 72
Sunday 2nd Dec at Exminster
Judge Mr K Watson 18 ran
1st Mr F Richards Lola 71 out of 100
2nd Mr D Cole Tan 66
3rd Mr J Watson Ben 63
4th Mr R Hawke Chip 56
Maltese Cross
Judge Mrs L Lock 7 ran
1st Mr J Watson Roy 62
2nd Mr J Watson Ken 60
3rd Miss R Slattery Anya 44
Sunday 25th Nov at Ashridge Court North Tawton
Maltese Cross
Judge Mr D Cole 9 dogs ran
1 st Mr J Watson Roy 60 out of 70
2 nd Mrs J Harper Dee 53
3 rd Mr J Watson Ken 46
Judge Mrs C Worgan 16 ran
1 st Mr J Watson Bob 83 out of 100
2 nd Mr F Richards Lola 82
3 rd Mr J Watson Ben 81
4 th Mr D Cole Tan 79
5 th Mr R Hawke Chip 77
6 th Miss J Harding Ghost 69
Sunday 18th Nov at Pittsworthy Farm
Judge Mrs J Harper 20 dogs ran
1st Mr D Cole Tan 83 out of 100
2nd Mr J Watson Ben 82
3rd Mr R Watson Mac 80
4th Mr J Watson Bob 75
5th Mr F Richards Lola 69
6th Miss R Palmer Nell 59
Maltese Cross
Judge Miss R Palmer 12 dogs ran
1st Mr J Watson Ken 64 out of 70
2nd Mrs J Harper Dee 55
3rd Mr M Schofield Woody 53
4th Mrs S Greenaway Dusk 44
RESULTS 2017-2018
November 5th – Middle Merripit Farm, Postbridge – courtesy of Kenny Watson
MALTESE CROSS – Judge: Julie Tucker, Brentor, scored out of 80, 11 ran
1. Jed Watson, Postbridge – Roy 72
2. Jed Watson, Postbridge – Bob 67
3. Peter Symons, Cornwood – Lady 65
4. Jed Watson, Postbridge – Mac 64
5. Shirley Greenaway, Manaton – Jill 56
6. Ian Mackay, Lustleigh – Brimley Snip 49
Young Handlers, 3 ran
1. Will Carter, Delabole – Joe 66
2. Aruna Watson, Ivybridge – Flow 40
DRIVING – Judge: Peter Symons, Cornwood, scored out of 90, 24 ran
1. Jed Watson, Postbridge – Jack 75
2. David Cole, Ivybridge – Spot 67
3. John Whiteley, Somerton – Wisp 64
4. Dan Heard, Bude – Annie 63 OLF
5. Terry Parsons, Yallon – Lil 63
6. Jed Watson, Postbridge – Spot 62
November 26th – Lydthorpe, Lydford-on-Fosse – courtesy of John Whitely
MALTESE CROSS – Judge: Jamie Garland, Cumbran, scored out of 100
1. Jed Watson, Postbridge – Bob 94
2. Jed Watson, Postbidge – Roy 83 olf
3. Jed Watson, Postbridge – Mac 83
4. Ian Mackay, Lustliegh – Brimley Snip 80
5. Shirley Greenaway, Manaton – Jill 77
6. Jemma Harding, Winborne Minster – Ghost 76
Young Handlers
1. Aruna Watson, Ivybridge – Flow 68
DRIVING – Judge: Jamie Garland, Cumbran, scored out of 100
1. David Cole, Ivybridge – Spot 94
2. Jed Watson, Postbridge – Rock 91
3. Angie Blackmore, Ledbury – Moss 90
4. Jed Watson, Postbridge – Jack 88
5. Frank Richards, Callington – Lola 85 OLF
6. John Whiteley, Lyford-on-Fosse – Wisp 85
December 3rd – Combeleigh, Wheddon Cross – courtesy of Rabbit & Penny Slattery
MALTESE CROSS – Judge: Jim Nicholls, Buckland Brewer, scored out of 80, 9 ran
1. Jed Watson, Postbridge – Bob 63
2. Jed Watson, Postbridge – Mac 62
3. Jed Watson, Postbridge – Roy 61
4. Ian Mackay, Lustliegh – Brimley Snip 50
5. Shirley Greenaway, Manaton – Jill 43
6. Ian Mackay, Lustleigh – Sanduck Spark 34
Young handlers
1. Charles Fitzgerald, New Forest – Del
2. Aruna Watson, Ivybridge – Flow
DRIVING – Judge: Jim Nicholls, Buckland Brewer, scored out of 100
1. Jed Watson, Postbridge – Spot 85
2. Jed Watson, Postbridge – Rock 74
3. Jed Watson, Postbridge – Jack 73
4. Frank Richards, Callington – Lola 70
5. John Whiteley, Lydford on Fosse – Wisp 66
6. David Cole, Ivybridge – Spot 64
December 17th – Mill Hill, Tavistock – courtesy of Lesley Lock
MALTESE CROSS – Judge: Bob Watson, North Tawton, scored out of 70, 13 ran
1. Jed Watson, Postbridge – Roy 60
2. Jed Watson, Postbridge – Bob 55
3. Ian Mackay, Lustleigh – Sanduck Spark 48
4. Shirley Greenaway, Manaton – Jill 45
5. Lee Ireland, Gorran Haven – Ned 43
6. Jed Watson, Postbridge – Mac 42
DRIVING – Judge: Bob Watson, North Tawton, scored out of 100, 15 ran
1. Jed Watson, Postbridge – Jack 80
2. Jed Watson, Postbridge – Rock 74
3. Jed Watson, Postbridge – Spot 73 OLF
4. David Cole, Ivybridge – Spot 73 T
5. Frank Richards, Callington – Hooner 69
6. Dan Heard, Bude – Annie 63 T
December 30th – Pennare Farm, Veryan, Truro TR2 5PH – courtesy of Trevor Hopper
MALTESE CROSS – Judge: Becky Palmer, Camelford, scored out of 70, 9 ran
1. Jed Watson, Postbridge – Bob 64
2. Norman Dalgarno, Tregony – Meg 52
3. Jed Watson, Postbridge – Roy 50 T
4. Jed Watson, Postbridge – Mac 34
5. Sarah Shuffell, Morvah – Floss 12 T
6. Lee Ireland, Gorran Haven – Ned 12 T
Young Handlers 4 ran
1. Will Carter, Delabole – Jay
2. Aruna Watson, Ivybridge – Flow
3. Luke Hopper, Veryan – Fern
4. Will Carter, Delabole – Joe
DRIVING – Judge: Becky Palmer, Camelford, scored out of 100, 11 ran
1. Dan Heard, Bude – Annie 83
2. Jed Watson, Postbridge – Spot 82
3. Jed Watson, Postbridge – Rock 71
4. Frank Richards, Callington – Lola 70 T
5. Frank Richards, Callington – Hooner 65
6. Jed Watson, Postbridge – Jack 63
January 7 th – Exminster Village EX6 8GA – courtesy of Victor Pitts
MALTESE CROSS – no class
DRIVING – Judge: Roderick Hayes, Tiverton, scoured out of 100, 15 ran
1. David Cole, Ivybridge – Spot 90
2. Jed Watson, Postbridge – Spot 88
3. Dan Heard, Bude – Annie 87 OLF
4. Jed Watson. Postbridge – Jack 87
5. Frank Richards, Callington – Lola 72 OLF
6. Jed Watson, Postbridge – Rock 72
January 14th – Tregony, TR2 5SH – courtesy of Norman Dalgarno
MALTESE CROSS – Judge: Julie Tucker, Brentor, scored out of 80, 7 ran
1. Jed Watson, Postbridge – Mac 69
2. Jed Watson, Postbridge – Roy 63
3. Jed Watson, Postbridge – Bob 58
4. Norman Dalgarno, Tregony – Meg 57
New Handlers, 1 ran
1. Lee Ireland, Gorran Haven – Ned 27
Young Handlers, 4 ran
1. Will Carter, Delabole – Joe 49
2. Charles Fitzgerald – Del 47
DRIVING – Judge: Julie Tucker, Brentor, scored out of 100, 14 ran
1. Jed Watson, Postbridge – Spot 81
2. Jed Watson, Postbridge – Jack 77
3. Dan Heard, Bude – Annie 68
4. Lesley Lock, Plymouth – Mac 87
5. Jed Watson, Postbridge – Rock 66
6. Frank Richards, Callington – Lola 50
This year, the 3 team members (+ one reserve) have been decided by an aggregate system, taking each
dog’s best 4 scores across the first 8 trials (one of these trials was cancelled due to water logging).
1st. Jed Watson, Princetown – Spot 22
2nd. Dave Cole, Ivybridge – Spot 20
3rd. Dan Heard, Bude – Annie – 17
Jed Watson, Princetown, Rock – 21 (Reserve)
February 25th – Sanduck Cross Farm, Lustleigh TQ13 9SF courtesy of Ian Mackay
MALTESE CROSS – Judge: Becki Palmer, scored out of 90, 10 ran
1. Ian Mackay, Lustleigh – Brimley Snip 64
2. Ian Mackay, Lustleigh – Sanduck Spark 53T
3. Shirley Grennaway, Manaton – Jill 45T
4. Sarah Shuffell, Morvah – Floss 32T
Young Handlers
1. Luke Hopper, Veryan – Dot 39T
DRIVING – Judge: Chris Roe, out of 100, 10 ran
1. Jenny Holsworthy, Moretonhampstead – Loki 69
2. John Whiteley, Somerton – Wisp 67
3. Lesley Lock, Plymouth – Mac 55
4. Frank Richards, Callington – Lola 53
5. Ian Mackay, Lustleigh – Brimley Jess 50
6. Lesley Lock, Plymouth – Bear 48
April 8th – Sanduck Cross Farm, Lustleigh TQ13 9SF courtesy of Ian Mackay
MALTESE CROSS – Judge: Trevor Hopper out of 90, 7 ran
1. Jed Watson, Postbridge – Roy 78
2. Jed Watson, Postbridge – Bob 76
3. Jed Watson, Postbridge – Matt 56
4. Mrs S Greenaway, Manaton – Jill 54
Young Handlers
1. Luke Hopper, Veryan – Fern 57
2. Luke Hopper, Veryan – Dot 48
DRIVING – Judge: Carol Worgan, Chumliegh, out of 100, 9 ran
1. Jim Nichols, Buckerland Brewer – Maude 69
2. Jenny Holdsworth, Moretonhampstead – Loki 68
April 22nd – Trethern, Delabole courtesy of John Carter
MALTESE CROSS – Judge: Becki Palmer, Delabole: out of 90, 8 ran
1. Jed Watson, Postbridge – Bob 69T
2. Jed Watson, Postbridge – Roy 67T
3. Shirley Greenaway, Manaton – Jill 55T
4. Ian Mackay, Lusteigh – Brimley Snip 52T
5. Sarah Shuffell, Morvah – Floss 26T
Young Handlers
1. Will Carter, Delabole – Joe 66
2. Will Carter, Delabole – Jay 43T
DRIVING – Judge: Jane Summers, Delabole: out of 100, 7 ran
1. Jim Nichols, Buckerland Brewer – Maude 82
2. Lesley Lock, Plymouth – Mac 63
3. Jenny Holdsworth, Moretonhampstead – Loki 61T
4. Ian Mackay, Lustleigh – Brimley Snip 45T
5. Lesley Lock, Plymouth – Bear 42T
6. Lee Ireland, Gorran Haven – Ned 27T
1. WINNER. Jed Watson, Postbridge – Jack 28
2. RUNNER UP Jed Watson, Postbridge – Spot 26
1. WINNER Jenny Holdsworth, Moretonhampstead – Loki 15
2. RUNNER UP Lesley Lock, Plymouth – Mac 12
1. WINNER. Jed Watson, Postbridge – Bob 43
2. RUNNER UP Jed Watson, Postbridge – Roy 41
1. WINNER. Shirley Greenaway, Manaton – Jill 20
2. RUNNER UP Sarah Shuffell, Morvah – Floss 9
JOINT WINNERS Will Carter, Delabole – Joe 21 and Aruna Watson, Ivybridge – Flow 21