ALL trials are pre-entry.
Booking in starts 2 weeks before the trial and closes by 9pm on the Sunday a week before the trial.
Pre-entry to Mr T Hopper 01872 501886, (trevor_hopper01@btinternet.com)
Maximum 2 dogs per handler per class.
All trials will have a Running Order which will be adhered to as much as possible, although we do reserve the right to alter it if required.
Entry fee are £15 per individual dog for the season
1. The Judge’s decision is final
2. Any dog abusing the sheep will be called off immediately
3. Any handler whose dog damages sheep shall be liable to pay for the damage
4. Competitors attending trials where sheep are damaged while being let out will collectively be liable to pay for the damage
5. Any person verbally abusing judges or officials will be suspended for the season from that day
6. No training aids to be used on the trial field at any time
7. Dogs are able to change classes during the season unless they have been placed 1st 2nd or 3rd in the driving
For dogs that have never been in the cards up to and including 6th place in any novice or open Maltese Cross or won a nursery maltese cross the previous season,, or been placed in any novice or open driving trial at the start of the nursery season.
Season’s Format
Trial numbers: 1, 2,3 & 4– Outrun, lift and fetch, shute and pen
Trial numbers: 5,6,7,&8 – Outrun, lift and fetch, one way through Maltese Cross and pen
Trial numbers: 9,10,11 & 12 – Outrun, lift and fetch, one way through Maltese cross, shed and pen
Trial numbers: 13,14,15 & 16 – Outrun, lift and fetch two ways through Maltese cross, shed and pen
For dogs that have never been on the cards up to and including 6th place in any novice or open driving trial or 1st in any nursery Driving trial at the start of the nursery season
Trials 1-16, inclusive: Outrun, lift and fetch, driving course, shed and pen
1. 10-00 am start unless otherwise notified
2. Entry fee are £15 per individual dog for the season, no prize money will be given
3. Dogs are able to change classes during the season unless they have been placed 1st 2nd or 3rd in the driving
4. Maximum two dogs per class. All trials are pre entry, Booking in starts 2 weeks before the trial and closes by 9pm on the Sunday a week before the trial.
5. In all nursery classes handlers will be allowed to leave the post and assist their dogs but will only be allowed half the allotted time at the judge’s discretion; however once the handler leaves the post the run will no longer be judged.
6. We kindly ask anyone running a dog to help let sheep out during the day to make it more enjoyable for everyone.
7. All dogs should run under their registered name
8. Any handler to be found cheating wil be banned for a determind time
New & Young Handlers Classes
For any young handler, 18yrs and under at the start of Nursery Season,
Young Handlers are restricted to 2 dogs
Young handlers class to take place during the first class of the day,wheather driving or MX. Any young handler may run in the second class, if preferred,but this will not be within the young handlers class
Dogs may not run in any other class on same day
A New handler is someone who has yet to complete a full season of trialing
New Handlers to run in the Maltese cross class
Dogs may not run in any other class on same day
NURSERY AGGREGATE.At the end of the Nursery season, a trophy will be awarded to the highest pointed dog in the Nursery Maltese Cross class and the Nursery Driving class. 1st 6 points; 2nd 5 points; 3rd 4 points; 4th 3 points; 5th 2 points; 6th 1 point. Only the top Ten places will count towards the final score with the dog with the most wins being awarded the trophy if there is a tie.
There will be rosettes but no prize money
Results will be announced upon the completion of each class.
The team will be 3 handlers (+ one reserve) will be decided by the nursery aggregate system, only the top 5 places will count towards the final score from the trials taking place before christmas. If there is a tie a run off will take place at the 1st trial after Christmas to decide
Each handler can only qualify one dog into the team with the exception of the reserve place.