Nursery accounts 2022-2023 season
Entry Fees £590.00
Total Income £590.00
Insurance £ 154.40
Nursery Final entry £ 50.00
Rosettes £ 208.58
old website Fee £ 93.84
New Website £ 108.00
Total Expenses £ 686.82
Total Income £590.00
Less total expenses £ 686.82
Loss £ 96.82
Opening Bank balance 1/10/22 £1171.50
Loss 2022-2023 £ 96.82
Closing Bank Balance 31/5/23 £ 1074.68
Nursery accounts 2021-2022 season
Entry Fees £630.00
Total Income £630.00
Insurance £120.00
Nursery Final entry £50.00
Nursery website Fee £ 209.00
(this is for the past 5 years)
Extra Rosettes £85.78
Total Expenses £464.78
Total Income £630.00
Less total expenses £464.78
Profit £165.22
Opening Bank balance 1/10/21 £1006.28
+ profit 2021/2022 £ 165.22
Closing Bank Balance 31/3/22 £ 1171.50
A big thank you to Barkers Animal health for sponsoring the rosette at the start of the season
There is still the cost of engraving the trophies for this year, which will be done later this year
Nursery accounts 2020 - 2021
Income 2020/2021
Entry Fee £245.00
Total Income £245.00
Expenses 2020/2021
Public Liabity £166.20
Cornwall Air Ambluance £ 30.00
Devon Air Ambluance £45.00
Total Expenses £241.20
Total Income £245.00
Less Expenses £241.20
Profit £ 3.80
Opening Balance 2019/2020 £1002.48
+ Profit £ 3.80
Closing Balance £1006.28
Nursey Accounts 2019 - 2020
Income 2019/2020
Entry Fees 978.00
Total 978.00
Expenses 2019/2020
Prize Money 794.00
Nursery Final 50.00
Extra Rosettes 24.06
Total Expenses 868.06
Total Incone 978.00
Less expenses 868.06
profit 109.94
Open Balance 2019/2020 season 892.54
plus profit 2019/2020 season 109.94
Closing Balance 2019/2020 1002.48
Nursey Accounts 2018 - 2019
Income 2018/2019
Entry Fees 993.00
Total 993.00
Expenses 2018/2019 Season
Prize Money 1,164.00
St.Austell Trophies 33.00
Nursery Final 50.00
Public Liability (Mr I Mackay) 30.00
Envelopes 5.28
Battery’s 8.48
Total 1290.76
Total Income 993.00
Less Expeniture 1290.76
Opening Balance 2018/2019 Season £1190.30
Less loss 2018/2019 season 297.76
Closing Balance 2018/2019 Season 892.54